Sunday, 9 December 2012

Dream, Create, Innovate

"@Leke_Alder: Every dream becomes feasible when broken down into tasks. And tasks become easier when broken into steps. And steps need dates to create motion"

For awhile now, I had gotten tired of my routine work. Things had become un-necessarily stressful, tensed, boring, and distracting. In other words, I had lost the passion for my work. The reason was simple. There was a leadership change and the new crop of leaders had no incline to the overall job functions of my group. They seemed to be more interested in mandating members of the group to gather irrelevant data. In essence, we did more data collation (which had no significant impact to our balance sheet) than our main work. Our jobs were suffering, Management didn't see any meaningful impact and our Group Heads thought it meant more data.

Little wonder, I thought about leaving my present job for something more fulfilling. My wife and I prayed about it and we got our note of affirmation it was time to go.

In one of my prayer times in the gents, God opened my eye to see a writing on the door- "believe in yourself, trust in God". Eureka, that was it. My final word of victory.

That same day, God sent me an idea. The idea burned in my heart so much that even when I shared the concept with the  person I thought was going to actualize this, his slackness put me off. I told him later that "if I don't do this thing that God has put in my heart, God will give it to someone else".

Well, through twitter, I met someone that could help. So I reached out to him, shared the idea and that was it. This person went out of his way to bring my God given idea to reality. So much so that we were offered N15MM for the idea that was at 70% of its completion stage.

In essence, what am I saying? When there is a will there is a way. Now whether I opt for the N15MM is another story for another day.

Till we meet again, keep winning.

Dave Chiaka
Twitter: @MrChiaka