Saturday, 8 October 2011

Stand still in the rain

"From the top government official to the artisan on the street, we all can make a choice for a change". Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (ROR 7 Oct, 2011)

When I left my home to work on Friday morning, little did I know what the day had in store for me. The moment I parked in the lot by 7:00am, I wasn't given the opportunity to recline my car seat, listen to my usual radio news and catch a 30min nap (at the same time). The reason was because of an unusual barrage of taps on my windscreen. It was unusual because the sky was crystal clear.

Anyway, I know enough about the city of Lagos, Nigeria not to try to predict the temperament of its weather. So off I went to earn my daily pay. You see, I consider my self amongst the blessed few to have a job. I don't intend to work for anyone in the next 2 years, but right now, it a learning process and guess what, am getting paid for it (chuckles).

As I looked through my office window, and as I watched the weather's frown go from bright to gray, I prayed for a brief rain because I really wasn't ready for another gridlocked traffic. I had just survived one the other night.

I was jolted into reality by a call from an old friend who had a wife, 2 kids and his rent was due. I couldn't pick his call because I knew what he wanted. He needed me to help him get a job. Honestly, this was really beyond me. He was 45yrs and didn't have a proper work experience. Yes, He was amongst the millions of Nigerian men who needed to make the world better for their children (at least).

Everyday, I hear the justified complaints about The Governments inability to provide an enabling environment for its citizens. I know things can be done right- fact. The effect of wrong decisions are as visible as day light. However, we may choose to fight the system in different ways. We can lend our voice to the multitude of complaints around us or we can take advantage of the things put in place to ameliorate poverty.

If you are unemployed and are reading this, maybe you are a fresh University graduate? Trust me. You stand a better chance of being the next best thing the world has ever seen.Now, go and understudy a good photographer in your neighborhood.

Have you heard of any schools of skill acquisition in your area? Well what are you waiting for? Walk right in, go get an application form, go and learn something. Learn how to make suits. There are millions of business men who are money smart and would like to patronize a good product at a reasonable price. You just be the best suit maker.

Do you love cooking, go and improve your catering skill, your friends have birthday celebrations every year. All you need to do is distinguish yourself in a friends birthday party and your recommendations will come from that circle of friends that you keep.

Maybe you have a knack for arranging stuff, you have an eye for excellence, then go learn event management. I have seen horrible wedding planning. Color rioting interior, bad food servicing et cetera. We need you to do a better job. Start in your family members wedding celebration, do it in your church for free. Guess what, you are enhancing your skill and someone will notice this. Your next big break may just come from this.

Listen, the world needs a better service provider. My Pastor (Rev Chris Oyakhilome) says something that is a fundamental principle for wealth creation. He says "look out for a human need, and reach out to meet that need". If you do this, it will shock you at how big and prosperous you will become.

Now stop complaining and look out for a need and meet our needs. Trust me, the worlds needs are insatiable and constantly evolving. The world has moved from water to bottled  mineral water, from spiced drinks to "Coca-cola" back to spiced drinks. So stop the complaints, adopt this approach and fight the system.

Until we meet again, be the best at what you do and don't forget to keep winning.

David Chiaka


  1. This is so inspiring, made up my mind to be very Rich.

  2. I find this writing to be quite illuminating.
    Well done Sir.

