Sunday 1 August 2021

Quality over Quantity of Friends


The Quality of friendship you have needs to be reviewed regularly.

Their are friends that will never miss your events, friends that wish you well and friends that are invested in your "personal success".

Identifying and categorizing each and understanding your role in their own lives is very important.

Expecting to bring onboard a fair weather friend on as an investment partner can be catastrophic and of course will lead to heartbreaks.

A well wisher friend will help you with referrals but is not going to partner with you in a venture.

It is perfectly okay to help a fair weather friend with an opportunity to better their lives, however when the chips are down for you, do not expect much from them cos they are who they are.

A friend(s) invested in your success are best business associates and offer the best business advice.

Identify and categorize early. It keeps you in a position of power cos you know who to carry along as you broker your deals. You will will form a better circle of quality friends. The other categories of friends will always be there to do what they do best - attend events and wish you well.


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